Event Room Information
Informacion de salon de eventos
What is the rental fee for the event room?
Cuanto cuesta rentar el salon de eventos?
There is a $135.00 non-refundable rental fee for the event room in order to reserve the date. There is also a mimimum consumption fee that will need to be met depending on the day of the week plus gratuity.
El salon de eventos tiene un Costo de uso de $135.00, y es necesario para reservar la fecha. Tambien se impone un cargo de consumo minimo dependiendo de el dia de la semana del evento + propina.
What are the minimum consumptions for the event room?
Que son los consumos minimos para el salon de eventos?
Monday-Thursday (Lunes a Jueves) $250 + $80 waiter tip
Friday (Viernes) $400+ 20% gratuity
Saturday (Sabado) $650 +20% gratuity
Sunday (Domingo) AM $750 +20% gratuity
Sunday (Domingo) PM $1250+20% gratuity
How many guests does the event room fit?
CuAntos invitados caben en el salon de eventos?
The event room holds up to 40 guests comfortably and has a private powder room for your guests.
El salon puede sentar 40 invitados y tiene su propio baño privado para sus invitados.
What does the event room include?
Que incluye el salon de eventos?
The event room is available for 3.5 hours for the event plus an additional hour before the event to set up. It also includes brown wooden cross back chairs and brown wooden tables. 1 Large rectangular cake table. It also includes 1 waiter. We offer additional waiters for $110 each waiter per event.
El salon esta disponible por 3.5 horas y una hora anterior del evento para decorar. Tambien incluye sillas y mesas de madera. 1 mesa para pastel y un mesero. Tiene option de contratar mas meseros por un costo adicional de $110 por mesero adicional.
What food will be served?
Que comida se sirve?
We ask that you limit your guests from 3-5 options to choose from. We have a special event room menu to choose from along with our traditional Bolillos Menu. See the menus by clicking the following links:
Or our full restaurant menu:
Pedimos que limite sus opciones de 3 a 5 platillos. Puede elegir opciones de nuestro menu especial para los eventos o puede eligir de nuestro menu del restaurante. Revise los menus aqui:
si gusta ver nuestro menu del restaurante aqui:
Can we rent the space for more that 3.5 hours?
Se puede rentar el espacio para mas de 3.5 horas?
Yes, there is an additional fee for extra hours but we would have to be advised in advance to ensure that we don’t book an event that would overlap.
Si hay un costo addicional para horas extras, pero se tendra que avisar con tiempo para no perjudicar el evento que sigue.